Friday, June 4, 2010

HOW to defeat the BEAST

One thing that is for sure is, as you learn to trade, you will be introduced to the Voice Of The BEAST!!! It's not very big, not very loud (at times, you can hardly hear it) and it’s hard for you to see, as well. Unfortunately, the power it has is overwhelming and staggering. Some of you are probably wondering what on EARTH is he (me) talking about? Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's that little voice in the back of your head that tells you that you can't do this or do that, or do anything else that is out of the ordinary, for that matter. You go to work and put in your hours and get your paycheck – and that’s where you stop, because you either can’t or won’t take that extra step, and go from being afraid to being a lion! Any kind of action, such as trading, is treated like such an arcane component of our culture, and something that so few of us understand (and are afraid of, as well), that we don’t bother to learn how to do it, or, if we are interested in learning, allow fear of the unknown to stop us from exercising our imagination.

When you couple out of the ordinary, mass marketing (which is a sales technique, for example, such as telling and showing people just how easy it is to trade), and the people that you’re trying to teach don’t follow the lessons exactly, it’s no wonder that most of the people that try to become traders end up failing, and failing BIG time. If you start out with the proper structure in place, you can do very well. For example, I'm self-taught, and I believe that if I can teach myself how to do it, then anyone that wants to learn badly enough, and who isn’t afraid of learning and applying what has been learned to master a new skill can do it. Just don't drink the marketing propaganda that so many companies try to shove down your throat while they take your money at the same time, and do NOT listen when they tell you that you’re a failure because you can’t do what they tell you to do – when they don’t really TELL you the right way to do it to begin with. On top of the marketing propaganda coming at you like a volcano that just erupted, you are competing against professionals that love to take your money and are very good at it. Remember when a trader makes a billion that means that someone lost a billion.

Most marketing companies that are in the “business” of teaching people how to trade in commodities aren’t interested in anything except talking your money. There are companies out there that actually want you to be a success at trading, and who will help you and teach your – but they are few and far between.

So, how do you defeat the BEAST? By learning – and the first thing that you learn how to do is quit being afraid of failure. FEAR is the key that opens The Beast’s cage.

I share this because I learned the hard way and it was and is a constant battle.

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